With today's ever-changing technology, teachers need a projector that has conformed to these changes.
With ever-changing teaching techniques and styles, you need classroom technology suited for these changes. Elmo is an overhead projector adjusted to keep pace with the rapid progression of technology. Elmo benefits teachers and students by providing immediacy, accessibility and user-friendliness.
Unlike a traditional overhead projector, Elmo does not require special paper in order to operate. Teachers place their papers directly on the stage for all of the class to see. This allows for teachers to share any types of work rather than having to be completely prepared in advance. A commenter on ProTeacher.net remarked, [With Elmo,] you can turn any book into a shared reading experience.
Elmo is easy to use and provides accessibility for teachers with its easy plug-and-play connection options. Elmo can connect to video projectors, computers and electronic whiteboards instead of standard screens.
Elmo is Technologically Advanced
Elmo has a remote control, LED lighting source and a built-in SD card slot. It also allows for audio and video recording. In a classroom where students and teachers give presentations, this feature comes in handy if the school allows media devices, such as USB flash drives. With today's evolving technology, Elmo keeps pace by allowing connections with various devices and displays of three-dimensional objects.
Elmo Has A Freeze Button
Elmo comes equipped with a freeze button, which lets teachers pause the image on the screen while they do something else. The freeze button accommodates left-handed teachers whose hands often get in the way and smudge the writing while solving problems on a regular overhead.
Tags: elmo, classroom, freeze button, overhead projector, technology Elmo, these changes, With today