Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Get A Grease Smell Out

Grease will turn your home into a stinky mess.

Creating a delicious home-cooked meal for your family can leave your home, clothing and hair smelling like a fry cook. Grease fills your home with an unpleasant aroma that attaches itself to various surfaces. This smell can last for days and reintroduce itself whenever items such as upholstery are disturbed. Even after a thorough cleaning, the grease smell can linger and continue to stink up your home. Fortunately, you can remove the grease smell from various surfaces using common and inexpensive items.



1. Remove the grease odor by opening the windows to allow fresh air to fill your home. Help push the grease smell out of your home by running fans for several hours.

2. Pour 2 cups of white vinegar in a pot on your stove. The vinegar will absorb the grease odors from the air.

3. Run a HEPA filter air purifier. Air purifiers remove tiny particles -- such as odor -- from the air, leaving it cleaner and smelling better.


4. Turn your washing machine dial to the coldest water temperature. Pour 1/4 cup of laundry detergent into the detergent receptacle. If no receptacle is present, pour the detergent directly in the water.

5. Submerge the clothing with the grease smell into the water and close the washer lid or door. Allow the washer to finish the washing cycle.

6. Stop the washing machine and pour 1 to 2 cups of white vinegar directly into the washer drum. Close the lid or door and start the washing machine.

7. Examine the clothing after the washing machine completes the cycle. Repeat the process if the grease odors persists.

Upholstery, Carpets and Walls

8. Pour white vinegar in a clean spray bottle and mist upholstery. Let the vinegar dry and -- if needed -- repeat the process until the odor is no longer apparent.

9. Dampen a clean sponge or cloth with white vinegar and gently wipe smelly walls. Let the walls air-dry.

10. Apply baking soda on carpet and let sit for several hours before removing the baking soda with your vacuum.

Tips Warnings

Prevent grease odors by using the vent above your stove when cooking.