A slipped disc can occur as a result of a sports injury, an auto accident, a household fall or through the aging process. It can be quite painful and the impact of the pressure on nerves around the spinal column can radiate to other areas of the body. After an initial period of rest, a number of exercises can be done to help build up the area around the slipped disc.
Arm Curls on Exercise Ball
Sit on an exercise ball and find your balance point. Tense muscles around your midsection to build up your core area. Take hold of two 3-lb. dumbbells and hold them with your hands extended toward the floor. Curl the weights up to shoulder height. Return your hands to the starting position. Do this 15 times, take a 30-second break and then repeat the set.
Lumbar Bridge
Lie down on the floor and put your hands down by your sides. Press down with your hands and lift your buttocks up in the same time. Your buttocks should be about 6 inches off the floor. Return to the starting position. Do this 15 times, take a 30-second break and then repeat the set.
Upper Leg Stretch
Lie down on the floor with your legs bent at a 45-degree angle. Take hold of your upper right leg with both arms and pull it toward your chest. You should feel a slight pressure in your lower back. Hold the stretch for three seconds. Return your leg to its original position. Do this 15 times and then switch legs and do it by grasping your left leg. Lift this leg 15 times. Take a 30-second break and repeat the set.
Lumbar Stretch
Lie down on the floor on your front side. Bend your elbows so that they are directly underneath your shoulders. Lift up your head and neck. You should feel slight pressure from your mid-back to your lower back. Return to the original position. Do this 15 times, take a 30-second break and repeat the set.
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