Sunday, March 2, 2014

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Emarketing

Electronic marketing refers to the application of marketing principles and techniques via electronic media and more specifically the Internet. This is the process of marketing a brand using the Internet. It includes both direct response marketing and indirect marketing elements and uses a range of technologies to help connect businesses to their customers to help sell your goods or services.

Return on Investment

Benefits of e-marketing exceed those of traditional marketing strategies. It obtains a greater and immediate return on your advertising dollars per client when implemented correctly. Campaigns can be dynamic and have improved color for visual impact with negligible file size for easy download. It is interactive to motivate high immediate response. It also provides faster response to both marketers and the end user.

Global Access

A website can reach anyone in the world who has Internet access. This allows you to find new markets and compete globally. With a website, customers can find out about your products even when your office is closed. Unlike other media that require people to get up and make a phone call, post a letter or go to a shop, e-marketing is seamless. It's accessible to millions of the online community.

Dependability on Technology

E-marketing relies heavily on technology, which keeps changing; hence the need to upgrade to remain competitive. Though cost-effective and time-saving, Internet marketing is not always free. In third-world countries where technology penetration is low and illiteracy high, people cannot routinely access the Internet.

Security and Privacy

With hackers and online fraud, online marketing campaigns can be used to defraud customers. This poses a challenge to business since many people are not willing to transact business virtually. Some websites ask people to reveal too much data on themselves, and this information can be used maliciously against the person. Most people want to remain unknown and will not disclose much information online.

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