Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Holistic Herbs For Dog Cancer

There are two classes of herbs used in the treatment of cancer in dogs. One is the preventative or supporting herbs, and the other is the herbs that treat the cancer.


Extracts of the European species of mistletoe are used to kill cancer cells, reduce tumors and/or slow growth. It is given by subcutaneous injection directly into or near a tumor.


Essiac is the last name of its creator, Rene Caisse, spelled backward. It is made up of four herbs native to the wilderness of Ontario, Canada, and was used by the Ojibway Indians. Its components are Indian Rhubarb Root, Slippery Elm, Sheep Sorrel and Burdock Root.


Hoxsey is the last name of its creator, Harry Hoxsey. It consists of an internal and external remedy. The external remedy is a concoction of minerals, and the internal remedy contains the herbs licorice, ash bark, buckthorn bark, red clover, burdock root, cascara, barberry and stillingia root.


Betulinic acid, converted from betulin extracted from birches, has been reported to be the herb of choice to treat melanoma and so far has had no deleterious side effects.

Aloe Vera

Long known as a treatment for minor cuts and burns, scientists have located a substance called acemannan that has direct antiviral action against cancerous tumors and is nontoxic, even at extremely high doses.