Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Removing Paint From Shoes

Paint splatters and stains on shoes can be unsightly. Fortunately, there are techniques that can remove paint stains from shoes. The techniques vary depending on the type of paint and the shoe material. The success of these techniques depends on how quickly the stain is treated.

Types of Paint

Today, most paints are classified as either water based or oil based. Water-based paints are called latex. In general, latex paint is easier to clean, has fewer odors, dries quickly and is non-flammable. Oil-based paints are called alkyd. Alkyd paint has a tougher finish and is commonly used on surfaces that need added protection. Alkyd paint has a stronger smell and is more resistant to water and cleaning agents.

Types of Shoe Material

The type of shoe makes a difference in how the paint stain can be removed. Shoes made from a hard, non-absorbent material such as plastic or leather will not absorb the color from the paint as easily as shoes made from a fabric material such as canvas. However, leather may be more sensitive to harsh cleaners. It is more difficult to remove paint from light-colored shoes.

Paint Removal Techniques

To effectively remove paint from shoes, time is of the essence. No matter the type of paint or the material of the shoe, the chances of successfully removing the paint increase greatly if the stain is treated before it dries. When the paint is still wet on shoes, first blot the wet paint with a paper towel or cloth to remove as much as possible. If the shoes are made of an absorbent material, avoid rubbing the paint because the paint will go deeper into the fibers. Wet paint may wipe off easily from hard shoe surfaces with a cool, damp cloth. When using paint stain removal techniques, you should always test first in a small, inconspicuous area. Some techniques may remove the stain but damage the material of the shoe in the process.

To remove remaining latex paint from shoes, soak the affected area in cold water. If the shoes are machine washable, use a heavy-duty detergent and launder in cool water. If the stain remains, apply a stain stick on the affected area. Rub in heavy-duty detergent directly on the stain and scrub in hot water. Next, use bleach to remove the dye. If the shoe material is white or colorfast to bleach, use liquid chlorine bleach. A color-safe bleach is safer to use on colors and fabrics that are not colorfast. Wash the shoes again in hot water and rinse. Repeat the process again to remove any of the remaining paint.

To remove remaining alkyd paint, gently dab paint thinner on the stain with a clean cloth. If paint thinner is not available, turpentine or alcohol may also work as a paint solvent. Try to avoid touching the areas of the shoe that do not have paint because the thinner could damage the material. Continue dabbing the paint until the stain is removed or the paint softens. If the shoes are washable, wash with heavy-duty detergent in cool water.

Tags: removing, paint, shoes, heavy-duty detergent, paint from, remove paint, remove remaining, affected area, cool water, damage material, from hard, from shoes, latex paint, made from