Saturday, February 22, 2014

Candida Die Off & Colon Cleansing

Candida Die Off Colon Cleansing

Candida albicans lives naturally in the large intestines. But, at times, this yeast-like fungus can over-proliferate and cause candidiasis. This condition can cause one to have headaches, gastritis, yeast infections, mouth thrush, joint pain and certain autoimmune diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome. Candidiasis can stem from an overuse of antibiotics, poor diet, food allergies, chlorinated water, corticosteroids and even smog. There is a recommended treatment for this condition, which requires a combination of diet changes, supplements and colon cleansing.

How Candida Grows and Dies

An overgrowth of candida occurs because foreign substances, such as antibiotics, can overwhelm the body's friendly bacteria and leave the body vulnerable to invasive fungus, hostile bacteria and even parasites. Normally, the friendly bacteria provide a much too acidic environment for foreign substances and microorganisms to survive. But these extraneous substances tend to disrupt that stable environment.

The excess candida dies when certain measures are taken to starve it. Candida thrives on yeast and sugars. Anyone who uses antibiotics or corticosteroids can drastically increase their intake of yeast. Moreover, people who eat foods that are high in glutens and sugar will continue to feed that yeast.

Diets That Kill Excess Candida

People who are diagnosed with candidiasis are normally told to temporarily eliminate yeast and glutens from their diet. This can be challenging because most breads, pastas, pastries and milk products contain glutens. People diagnosed with candidiasis needs to eat gluten-free foods. Eating vegetables is also recommended--vegetables contain enzymes that can kill yeast.

Probiotics and Garlic

Probiotics can be used to increase the amount of friendly bacteria in the large intestines. This can help restore the bacterial balance to a more homeostatic state as the new bacteria kills off the invasive substances. Garlic is a powerful yeast killer and is usually recommended for treating candidiasis.

Colonic Cleansing

Colonic cleansing is important for eliminating the excess candida. There are two basic ways to clean the colon. One can either use a powder-based colon cleanse or do colonic irrigation. Both have their advantages. Most notably, powder colon cleanses provide the individual with a more private way to clean his colon. These concoctions usually contain foods and herbs that work together to kill the candida overgrowth. They help scrub the walls of the bowels, then the foreign substances can be excreted. A typical colon cleanse can take two to four weeks.

On the other hand, one can eliminate yeast more quickly through colonic irrigation. The average treatment is equivalent to 10 to 20 bowel movements. Purified water is flushed through the system, which also clears the intestinal walls of fecal matter and yeast. Colonic irrigation is highly recommended for people with chronic illness or autoimmune diseases, which are usually caused by candida overgrowth. According to Dr. Bruce Semon, Candida puts out receptors on its cell surface, which are actually human receptors for connective tissue and the immune system. If the body attacks the Candida in the intestinal tract, the body's immune system will attack anything that looks like the Candida. Because of the connective tissue receptors on Candida, the body's immune system may attack other cells in the body which have these receptors.

Why Colonic Cleansing Is Crucial

As one's body starts killing off the excess candida, the yeast will release toxins in the body in defense. These toxins can only be eliminated through the bowels and digestive tract. However, these normal body processes will not eliminate all of the toxins and yeast quickly enough. The toxins will eventually enter the blood stream and potentially invade healthy cells and vital organs. Colonic cleansing--particularly colonic irrigation--can expedite the process of eliminating these harmful toxins and allow one's body to recover from candidiasis.

Tags: candida, colon, cleansing, foreign substances, friendly bacteria, immune system, autoimmune diseases, body immune, body immune system, Candida Colon, Candida Colon Cleansing, candida overgrowth, clean colon

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