Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Causes Of Emotional Immaturity

Emotional immaturity can be caused by a number of environmental, medical and psychological factors. With therapy and ongoing support from teachers and family, the emotionally immature can develop coping skills and successfully function at work and school. When mental illness is at play, medication can make a marked difference in a person's ability to maturely cope with difficult situations and interact productively with others.

Child Abuse

People who were physically, sexually and/or emotionally abused often exhibit emotional immaturity.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal alcohol syndrome is directly linked to emotional immaturity in children and adults.

Other Medical Conditions

Emotional immaturity can be caused by autism, Asperger's syndrome, cognitive problems, brain damage, learning disabilities, depression and anxiety disorders.


Individuals who suffer traumas as children and teens---including rape and serious illnesses---often display emotional immaturity later in life.

Parenting Issues

Children who were not given many freedoms and responsibilities, as well as people whose parents were too controlling, often show signs of emotional immaturity later in life.

Tags: emotional immaturity, emotional immaturity, Emotional immaturity caused, emotional immaturity later, immaturity caused, immaturity later