Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Candida Treatment In Pregnancy

Candida albicans is a fungi that can cause yeast infections, a common vaginal infection in women. According to BabyCenter.com, researchers believe that increased estrogen can lead to higher instances of yeast infection among pregnant women. Yeast infections do not pose a serious threat to your unborn child and can usually be easily treated by a physician.

Prescription or OTC

A physician will treat a yeast infection by either prescribing an antifungal cream or suppository or recommending an over-the-counter variety. You insert the cream or suppositories into the vagina using an applicator. Doctors often prescribe oral antifungal treatments to non-pregnant women, but pregnant women should not take oral antifungal medication.

Treatment Time

While over-the-counter and prescription medications offer three- and one-day treatments for yeast infections, pregnant women usually require a seven-day treatment. Consistently high estrogen levels can cause differences in the pH balance in the vagina, which is why yeast infection during pregnancy typically takes longer to treat. Most women will begin to feel some relief from the infection after a few days, but it is important to complete the course of medicine to make sure that you have completely gotten rid of the infection.

Side Effects

Side effects to yeast infection treatment may include a mild increase in vaginal irritation. More severe side effects are hives, severe vaginal itching, burning or swelling, foul smelling discharge, nausea, vomiting, chills and abdominal pain. Call your doctor if you experience any of these system as they may be a sign of allergic reaction or other serious condition.

Natural Treatments

Although yeast infection creams and suppositories are not harmful to the fetus, there are some non-medicinal methods that you can take to try to treat yeast infections during pregnancy. One effective treatment is plain yogurt. Yogurt contains L. acidophilus, which is also a bacteria naturally present in the vagina that helps to balance out the amount of yeast present. You can either eat the yogurt or apply it directly to the vagina using fingers or a tampon. Be sure that the yogurt is plain and unsweetened as sugar can lead to an increase in the amount of yeast.

Garlic is another natural treatment that some women use. You can take garlic tablets by mouth or insert garlic tablets or garlic cloves into the vagina every few hours to treat infection.

Even when using a natural treatment, you should consult with a doctor before beginning yeast infection treatment during pregnancy.

Other Considerations

When you are pregnant, you should always consult with a physician before beginning any type of yeast infection treatment. Your doctor can rule out sexually transmitted diseases, or other conditions that may be causing your symptoms.

Tags: yeast infection, during pregnancy, infection treatment, pregnant women, yeast infection treatment