Monday, July 5, 2010

Make Breath Fresher At Home

Bad breath can be a complete turn off and quite embarrassing. Bad breath is generally caused by food and skin cells decaying in your mouth. Other factors, such as improper mouth care, and certain types of food may also cause bad breath. A few home remedies can improve your breath and give an overall freshness the people around you will appreciate. Get rid of embarrassing bad breath quickly and safely.


1. Brush your teeth after every meal and rinse your mouth. This may be especially necessary after eating strong-tasting food, such as garlic, onions and spicy food. Floss to remove food particles that could be stuck in-between teeth.

2. Scrub your tongue with a tongue scraper to remove dead skin cells that cause bad breath. If you don't have a tongue scraper, brush your tongue when you're brushing your teeth.

3. Drink plenty of water each day. At least eight glasses of water a day may remove dead skin cells that accumulate in the mouth and cause bad breath.

4. Gargle mouthwash for at least 30 seconds a day, then rinse your mouth. Mouthwash kills bacteria that cause bad breath. It also removes bacteria and particles that may be caught in the tonsils.

Tags: cause breath, skin cells, your mouth, cells that, dead skin, dead skin cells