Thursday, November 18, 2010

Foods That Prevent Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency is the No. 1 nutritional deficiency in America today. It can lead to anemia and iron deficiency anemia, but is easily treated by eating iron-rich foods.

What Is Iron Deficiency?

Iron deficiency refers to the body's lack of iron in the bloodstream. This deficiency can cause headaches, lingering colds, a swollen tongue, slowed mental functions and an overall feeling of weakness.

Foods With Heme Iron

Heme iron is a type of iron that is easily absorbed by the body. Foods that contain heme iron are lean cuts of beef, chicken, turkey, clams, oysters, shrimp, halibut, tuna, organ meats and eggs.

Foods With Non-Heme Iron

Non-heme iron is a type of iron that the body does not easily absorb. Foods that contain non-heme iron include spinach, beans, peas, nuts, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, wheat bread, soybeans, lentils, blackstrap molasses and chickpeas.

Enriched Foods

Some food manufacturers have added iron to their food products to increase the nutritional value. Foods that have been enriched are certain brands of oatmeal, breakfast cereals, veggie dogs and burgers, yogurt, white bread and snack bars.

Iron Supplements

Iron supplements may be taken in pill form to ensure a full dose of daily iron if you are not able get enough iron through diet alone. These supplements can cause nausea, diarrhea and constipation, so consult your doctor before taking them.

Tags: Foods that, Foods that contain, Foods With, Iron Deficiency, iron that, iron type