Monday, November 22, 2010

Ease Wisdom Tooth Pain

Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth that individuals receive when they are a teenager or in their twenties. Although some wisdom teeth can come in without any problems, the majority of wisdom teeth need to be extracted due to problems with alignment and sufficient space in the mouth. When wisdom teeth come in and aren't properly aligned, it can cause pain. Alleviating the pain caused by wisdom teeth can be done at home with the right products.


1. Pour a cup of warm water and mix in two tablespoon of salt. Stir with a spoon. Gargle the water in the mouth. Warm water will relieve pain whereas cold water or hot water can make the pain worse due to the tooth's sensitivity. Saltwater also helps to clean the tooth and reduce swelling.

2. Take a pain reliever. Aspirin is probably the best choice in order to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Ibuprofen may also help to relieve pain if aspirin is not an option.

3. Create an ice pack. Place ice in a plastic zip bag, zip the bag up, and wrap it twice in a thin towel. Place the ice pack on the outside of the mouth where the pain is. Ice will help to numb the nerves in the mouth so that the pain will be relieved temporarily.

4. Purchase benzocaine. Benzocaine will instantly numb the tooth in order to provide relief until you can see a dentist to get the wisdom teeth removed.

5. Breathe deeply and find a quiet area to rest. A relaxed state is extremely important in order to help naturally alleviate pain.

Tags: relieve pain, wisdom teeth, pain will, teeth come, wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth come