Monday, September 19, 2011

Metaphysical Properties Of Essential Oils

Since ancient times, people have cultivated and harvested herbs and other plants to help in their lives whether it was for cooking, cleaning or feeling better. Not only do botanicals have physical properties such as healing wounds, but metaphysical properties as well. "Metaphysical" by general definition is referring to ideas outside of our normal senses, with trying to explain a reality that exists beyond us.

Essential oils, which are distilled from botanicals, are one way that people use to reach past the material world and let the properties of whichever oil they are using affect them.


Healing the body and mind is one of the major metaphysical areas for using essential oils. There are too many healing oils and blends to list here, but some of the more popular ones are carnation, rosemary, gardenia, sandalwood and eucalyptus. To make a healing blend of essential oils, try mixing four drops of rosemary, one drop of sandalwood and two drops of juniper.

Warding and Protecting

People who need to protect themselves from dangers should find essential oils from herbs known for their properties to ward. Cedar is a great choice, and not only for hope chests, to keep heirlooms and keepsakes safe. Cedar resonates with the Sun and Fire, both excellent for chasing away bad things. Fennel is another herb that is well known for deflecting negativity. Other choices may include cinnamon, pine, rose geranium and clove.

Stimulating and Strengthening

Mint is a great choice for stimulating oneself. Peppermint can be used even in conferences and meetings for stimulating the mind and helping to focus. Ginseng is another choice for strength, as it too relates to Fire. Wormwood aids in beating back opposition by strengthening your determination.

Mental and Emotional Clarity

To help you with clear thinking mentally and emotionally, add some orange peel or orange blossom essential oil to your routine. Cherry oils are great for brightening up your day. Essential oils and blends that use herbs related to the Water element are great for helping with emotions. Include jasmine, rose and even vanilla here to help with balance in your mind.


Most people are concerned with prosperity in their life such as material wealth, good luck or a happy home. Essential oils to help these areas may include honeysuckle, patchouli, sage, bergamot, allspice and pine. Many of these herbs are related to Earth, which is the source for all types of prosperity.


Everyone wants love in their life. Love can come from people or pets. Using the metaphysical properties of essential oils, to bring love into your life consider rose, lotus, lavender and jasmine.


Something to keep in mind is that many herbs have multiple metaphysical uses. For example, allspice is used to attract prosperity and luck, but it is also used for healing. It is important to keep safety in mind when using essential oils and blends, as some scents can trigger allergies or seizures in people with underlying conditions. Placing them on the skin without diluting them first can cause a rash or other reaction. Be aware of what you are buying. Many essential oils sold in chain stores are 5 percent to 10 percent oil, with the rest being synthetic ingredients. Pure essential oils are 100 percent, and while they cost more, it takes less to achieve the effect you are after.

Tags: essential oils, oils blends, essential oils, Essential oils, essential oils, great choice, help with