Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Use Hypnosis To Treat Bedwetting

Use Hypnosis to Treat Bedwetting

Hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, is considered by some to be an effective treatment for bedwetting. The main premise is that the mind controls how the body functions. Through a trance-like state, the hypnotized person can use visualization and suggestion to treat bedwetting.


1. Prepare the room in which the hypnosis will be performed. Choose a comfortable chair, keep the room dimly lit and set the thermostat at a comfortable temperature.

2. Ask the child to sit in a chair. Make sure she does not recline in the chair. The objective is to get the child to relax, not fall asleep.

3. Use techniques that relax your child. These can include deep breathing or concentrating on a single object. Try having your child count backwards from 10.

4. Ask your child to close his eyes when he feels relaxed. This requires patience, as some subjects may need a great deal of time to feel totally relaxed.

5. Ask the child questions that may get at the root of the bedwetting. You may even ask the child what she thinks is the solution to her problem.

6. Tell the child that he can control his bladder at night and that he will not wet the bed.

7. Tell the child that she will be able to wake up at night if she feels the urge to use the bathroom.

8. Use a technique to bring the child out of the relaxed mode and back into complete consciousness. For example, you might have the child count to 10 or imagine climbing a staircase to the top.

9. Discuss highlights and important points from the session with your child. Listen as your child describes his reaction after the hypnosis.

Tags: your child, child count, child that, Hypnosis Treat, Hypnosis Treat Bedwetting