Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Making Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has many uses. It has a wonderful, relaxing scent. In addition, it can ease health issues. Breathing in lavender-scented water vapor or rubbing lavender oil on the skin may relieve pain from tension headaches. Lavender-scented steam can ease coughs and possibly help fight respiratory infection. Lavender oil also has antibacterial properties and can serve as a insect repellent. You can't make aromatherapy-grade lavender oil without a complicated set of stills, but you can easily make a lavender-scented oil at home.

Gathering Materials

You can use fresh lavender for your lavender oil, but it may be hard to come by unless you grow your own lavender or live near a lavender farm. You can order dried lavender online or purchase it at a craft store. For the oil that will serve as the base, choose an oil that will keep well, such as sunflower or almond oil. Apple cider vinegar helps bring out the essence of the lavender. You will also need sterilized jars to keep the oil in, and a sieve and some cheesecloth. A slow cooker can be useful to keep your oil at low heat, which brings out the scent of the lavender. If you don't have a slow cooker, you can harness the power of the sun and heat your oil in a sunny window.

Making Oil

You make lavender oil by keeping the lavender in the oil for a month-long process. To begin, fill your jar halfway with crushed or torn lavender. Make sure that the lavender is completely dry. Add apple cider vinegar. Use 1 tsp. vinegar to 1 cup oil. Shake the vinegar and herbs. Then pour in the oil, filling the jar completely, and close the jar. Keep the lavender oil in a warm spot (over 110 degrees F) for a day. Afterward, place it in a sunny spot or in a low-heat slow cooker (under 120 degrees F) and leave for 4 weeks. Pour the oil through a sieve to remove the herbs, then pass your lavender oil through a cheesecloth to get out any remaining solid bits. If you'd like to make stronger lavender oil, repeat the 4-week process with the original oil.

Tags: slow cooker, your lavender, cider vinegar, that will