Monday, June 20, 2011

Make St John'S Wort Salve

Variations of St. John's wort salve recipes have been handed down from generation to generation. A mixture of soothing herbs, St. John's wort salve is a healing and soothing solution for many skin irritations, including itching, wounds, insect bites and fungal infections. Follow these simple steps to make your own.


1. Harvest the fresh herbs, and shake them well to remove any dirt. Lay them out to air dry for several hours.

2. Measure the herbs into a slow cooker or double boiler.

3. Add enough extra-virgin olive oil to cover the herbs, plus about an inch, and stir in the eucalyptus oil.

4. Cook the mixture on low heat for about three hours. Allow the mixture to cool.

5. Lay a piece of muslin or cheesecloth in a strainer and strain the herbs from the salve mixture. Once most of the oil has strained through, gather the cloth and squeeze out as much salve as possible.

6. Return the salve to the heat and add the beeswax. Test the salve for proper consistency by putting a small amount on a spoon and letting it cool for a few minutes. If the salve isn't thick enough, add more beeswax.

7. Blend in the Vitamin E oil at this time, and pour the salve into labeled containers.

Tags: John wort, John wort salve, wort salve