Thursday, June 16, 2011

Buy Fertility Pills

Fertility medications provide extra help for women that are trying to get pregnant. It is frustrating when couples are unable to build a family because of fertility issues. You can get access to fertility medications, but it is important to talk to a fertility doctor first.


1. Make an appointment with a fertility doctor. Discuss your issues with the doctor to help her determine if fertility medication makes sense for your situation. If it does, find out what brands and dosages would be appropriate for you.

2. Get a prescription from your doctor. There are many fertility drugs on the market, including Gonal-F 75IU, Follistim 75IU vial, Lupron (generic), Repronex 75IU vial, Clomid and Menopur. If you have an insurance plan, make sure that the medication will be covered.

3. Drop the prescription off at a pharmacy of your choice or search online pharmacies (see Resources below). If shopping online, make sure the pharmacy is reputable, as there are many scams out there. Check with your doctor for reliable online pharmacies.

4. When you have found the medication on a site that you trust, complete the forms required. After you complete the forms you will have your medication delivered to your house shortly. The number of days it will take to receive your delivery, depends on where you order the medication from.

Tags: 75IU vial, complete forms, fertility doctor, make sure, online pharmacies, your doctor