Monday, June 27, 2011

Avoid Joint Pain

Joint pain can be caused by nay different reasons, either due to mechanical or physical factors, like over use or physical trauma or injuries to the joints, or normal wear and tear of joints and ligaments from aging. Medical conditions can also cause deterioration of the joints, for example, arthritis and osteoporosis as well as certain drugs which can cause increase lost of calcium from the bones and joints. Whatever the reason for the causes of joint pain there are some things which you can do to prevent joint pain or decrease the level of pain.


1. Regular exercising and keeping a daily regimen of physical activities will help to maintain healthy bones and joints and prevent the early onset of osteoporosis and arthritis. Be careful not to over use or over exercise at one time or this will put you at risk of stressing the joints and muscles causing pain. It is best to gradually increase the level and amount of physical exercise over time especially if you have not done any physical activity for a long period.

2. Eating a healthy, nutritious and balanced diet and including supplements, calcium, and joint forming supplements like chondroitin and glucosamine, will help maintain healthy joints, ligaments and tendons and help to prevent osteoporosis and arthritis. Eating a regular balance amount of protein in the diet will build healthy bones and tissue but make sure you eat high quality protein from lean white meat or if you are a vegetarian, you can eat high grade protein from soy or tofu in your diet.

3. Try to prevent from placing too much stress or strain on the joints by avoiding deforming positions of the joints or constant repetitive movements.

4. STOP SMOKING! Data and research has shown a link to increase risk of getting osteoporosis and arthritis if you are a smoker and may have a detrimental effect on cartilage putting you at an increase risk of getting joint pain form deterioration of the joints and the cartilage surrounding the it.

5. Try to avoid from injuring your joints by preventing under or over exercise. Look and correct your work station ergonomics to make it more

joint friendly", don't sleep on bad mattresses, have good posture.

6. Keeping your weight within a healthy range also lessens the burden on your joints. Just a few extra pounds can wear your joints down over time and cause unnecessary pain.

7. It is important to find ways to reduce or eliminate as much stress from your life. Try other forms of stress reducing activities, like, meditation, therapy, yoga.

8. Alternative therapies are other options to consider when you are suffering from constant joint pain. Acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, osteopathic, or psychotherapy can help relieve the pain while you wait for your other lifestyle changes to take effect.

9. Track your pain. Keep a detailed journal including date, time of day, present activity level, medications, any recent injuries or illness, diet, and stress levels. Rate your pain on a scale of 1-10, and see if you can identify any patterns.

Tags: osteoporosis arthritis, your joints, bones joints, deterioration joints, healthy bones