Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nonmedical Treatment For Depression Following The Loss Of A Spouse

Losing a spouse can be one of the most traumatic events you can ever experience. There is nothing to prepare you for the onslaught of emotions that follows such a loss and many people find themselves struggling with depression, anger and grief all at once. While some turn to medication to help them through such a difficult time, others try to resolve their depression with non-medical forms of treatment.

Talk Therapy

Talk therapy is one of the best treatments for depression, as talking allows you the opportunity to work through your feeling regarding the loss. Many people find themselves surprised at the sheer range of feelings they have after a death; some are expected---like sadness and disbelief---and others are unexpected---like anger and frustration. Talking with a grief counselor as well as close friends and family about your feelings can go a long way toward resolving your depression. Moreover, not only should you talk about how you feel about your loss and the death, but also about the good memories you shared with your spouse.

Join A Support Group for Grieving Spouses

Support groups are not only helpful to talk about your experience, but to listen to the similar experiences of other people. It helps to be around people who understand what you are going through, which can in turn help to lift the cloud of depression. Moreover, as you become more active in the support group and begin to heal, you can then help to guide others through grief-related depression by sharing your experience and showing them that there can be light at the end of the tunnel.

Take Care Of Yourself

In addition to talking and getting through the grieving process in one piece, taking care of yourself physically is just as important as monitoring your mental well-being. Exercising is a great way to lift depression as is eating right and being active. After all, you don't want to let your health deteriorate as you grieve. Even if you can do nothing else as you focus on treating your depression, get plenty of rest, eliminate stress, eat right and get some exercise every day.

Tags: about your, depression Moreover, find themselves, people find, people find themselves