Friday, August 23, 2013

Definition Of Dosha

Balanced Doshas Lead to a Healthy Lifestyle

Dosha is an Ayurvedic word meaning "bodily humor." Ayurveda is a system of medicine that developed in India an estimated 5,000 years ago. Doshas are categorized into three main groups of mind/body humors: vata, pitta and kapha.

Know Your Dosha

The Hindu believe that your dosha can be tamed and regulated to create a more harmonious life, principally through diet, a balanced lifestyle and exercise. Your dosha is unique to you.


Vata is the humor governed by wind or air. Vata people generally have thin frames and tire easily due to quick excitability. This dosha controls movement and the nervous system.


Pitta people are usually of medium build and may have red hair or short tempers, as this dosha is governed by fire. Pitta can lose its balance when exposed to too much sunlight or heat.


Kapha people tend toward stockiness and larger frames. Physically strong and resiliant, kaphas have good digestion, tend to be slow eaters and talk slowly.

Dosha Combinations

Double doshas are people who have their doshas in combination, such as vata-pitta or pitta-kapha. This means that you have equal qualities of both doshas.
