Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cope With Rotator Cuff Injury

The rotator cuff refers to the network of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulders and allow shoulder movement. People with an active lifestyle, such as athletes, are likely to suffer from rotator cuff tears. There are several ways to cope with this kind of injury.


1. Put an ice pack over the affected area to alleviate pain and prevent swelling. If you are suffering a minor rotator cuff injury, the ice pack will be very helpful. In more severe cases, however, see your doctor, who may use steroid injections to limit inflammation and promote regeneration of the torn rotator cuff muscles.

2. To let your body recuperate from the injury, limit overhead activity and put your arm in a sling to let the shoulder muscles rest.

3. Take an anti-inflammatory medication to alleviate pain and help the rotator cuff heal. Follow your doctor's recommendations.

4. Seek physical therapy if your doctor recommends it. A physical therapist will assist you with exercises to strengthen your shoulder muscles and show you alleviate pain and prevent recurring pain.

5. If nonsurgical treatments do not relieve the condition or if you have completely ruptured your rotator cuff muscles, you may need surgery. Arthroscopic repair, mini-open repair and open surgical repair are usually recommended. If the injury is very severe, doctors may need to use the graft method to reattach and reconstruct the ruptured muscles and tendons.

Tags: rotator cuff, alleviate pain, your doctor, alleviate pain prevent, cuff muscles, muscles tendons, pain prevent