Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Neck Warmers Made With Rice

Use any brand of long grain, uncooked rice when making neck warmers

A homemade neck warmer can keeps you comfortable when cold and soothe aching muscles. You can make one quickly, even with few sewing skills and it can be reused for years. Heat the rice-filled neck warmer in a microwave for 60 to 90 seconds and it will stay warm for 30 minutes.


The moist heat from microwaved neck warmers with rice work like heating pads. Use this moist heat for a neck sprain after any swelling has gone down, to help loosen tight, sore muscles, according to Amy Scholten, M.P.H., of the Langone Medical Center in New York City.

Expert Insight

In the June 2006 issue of Family and Consumer Sciences Newsline, Paula Gardiner, M.D., assistant professor of Boston University Medical School, offers a recommend ation for neck pain. She says to fill a sock with dry, uncooked rice, tie the opening with a string, them microwave it for 2 minutes. The patient should then drape the warmed sock around the neck.


Make a neck warmer by measuring out fabric, like a knit or flannel, aligning the right sides together and hand-stitching or machine sewing three sides, with the smaller end open. Turn the pouch right side out, fill it with uncooked dry rice, fold the ends of the fabric inside, then hand-stitch the opening closed.


The Department of Health and Human Services of Montana suggests people make or purchase neck warmers for a gift of warmth. Loved ones will think of you every time they head into the cold outdoors with a neck warmer.


Do not overheat your rice neck warmers--the rice can scorch and burn as well as cause skin burns when worn. Do not allow children to heat neck warmers in the microwave.

Tags: neck warmer, neck warmers, uncooked rice, heat neck, moist heat