Monday, September 3, 2012

Evaluate Blue Topaz

Blue topaz is the December birthstone, and also makes a beautiful Christmas present.

Although pure topaz is actually transparent, most people think of colored topazes, stones with impurities that create a wide range of colors, as the prettier stones. Blue topaz is one of the most popular hues of topaz and comes in shades that range from light, sky or robin's egg blue to a dark, nearly sapphire color. Blue topaz stones are evaluated on many of the same traits that diamonds are, but with different emphases.


1. Evaluate the color. Generally, the darker and more pure the color of the gemstone, the more valuable the stone is. However, some people actually prefer a lighter color of topaz rather than the dark ones similar to sapphires. If you are one of these people then you will probably be able to buy a much larger stone. Ideally, blue topaz is a deep, clear turquoise color reminiscent of the Pacific Ocean.

2. Look for clarity. Although clarity is generally thought to be the most important aspect of a diamond, it is less important than color when it comes to gemstones because interior flaws do not impact the sparkle of a colored stone the way that they do a clear stone like a diamond. Of course, you do want your stone to sparkle, but if the stone has inclusions that do not make it muddy or keep it from reflecting light then these flaws do not really matter.

3. Determine the importance of the cut. Some cuts are harder to achieve with some stones than others. Fortunately, blue topaz is a fairly hard gem and relatively easy to cut and shape, so most traditional cuts are an option. A rounded, entirely smooth surface or fancy shapes like hearts will be more expensive, so factor this in when you are deciding what type of cut you want on your stone.

4. Check out the top surface in detail. The top of your gem should be smooth and unmarred by scratches, dents or other inclusions. If the top is not smooth and polished them your gem will not reflect light and will not appear as beautiful as a more finished stone.

5. Check out the carat weight. Blue topaz, like diamonds and other gemstones, is measured by carat weight, but the quality of the stone (its color, clarity and cut) will ultimately determine the carat price. For example, if two blue topazes of equal color and clarity are cut in different fashions, the one with the more complicated cut will be more expensive.

Tags: Blue topaz, blue topaz, Blue topaz, carat weight, color clarity