Monday, June 4, 2012

Therapy Putty Recipe

Therapy putty, also known as "theraputty," is a wonderful tool to use with children who have sensory integration deficits. With its firm texture that resembles silly putty, therapy putty can provide tactile input to help improve focus and attentiveness. It is also helpful in rehabilitating hand and finger injuries since it strengthens muscles and provides resistance during fine motor exercises. Purchasing therapy putty can be expensive, but, with a little time and effort, you can easily whip up a batch to use in a classroom or therapy setting immediately.


Gather your ingredients. You will need at least two cups of white glue and one cup of liquid starch. If you want your therapy putty to have a certain color, you will also need two tablespoons of your desired food coloring.


In a large mixing bowl, pour one cup of glue followed by by one-half cup of starch. Mix ingredients thoroughly. Add the remaining glue, liquid starch and food coloring if you want a specific color. Let the mixture dry for approximately 15 to 20 minutes so that it becomes workable. After the correct amount of time has passed, the mixture should still feel wet. Add more glue or cornstarch as needed until you get the right texture.


Once the therapy putty is workable, start to pull the mixture away from your body in long strands. Repeat this process several times as if you were pulling taffy candy. When the putty begins to pop and snap like silly putty might do, you have reached the proper texture. Store therapy putty in an airtight container. This recipe makes about one pint of putty.

Tags: therapy putty, food coloring, glue liquid, glue liquid starch, liquid starch, silly putty