Friday, January 21, 2011

Get Noggenfogger Elixir

One of the more unusual elixirs in World of Warcraft, Noggenfogger Elixir does something strange to your character. It can turn you into a fighting skeleton, allow you to breathe underwater for 10 minutes, shrink you or give you slow fall. You used to obtain the elixir through a quest, but now you can buy it from a vender. Both Horde and Alliance players can use the elixir, regardless of reputation. The character can't use the elixir until level 35.


1. Log onto your World of Warcraft account. Choose a character to use. Pick a character at least level 40 so you can fight the items in Tanaris.

2. Travel to Tanaris. You can run there from the surrounding zones (Thousand Needles, Un'Goro Crater), or you can fly there. From Kalimdor, go to a flightmaster and select the Tanaris flight point. If you do not have the flight point, choose a flight point that takes you as close to Tanaris as you can get and run from that point once you arrive. If you are in the Eastern Kingdom, fly or run to Booty Bay. Board the boat to Ratchet. Once you arrive, fly or run to Tanaris.

3. Run to Gadgetzan in Tanaris. Locate Sprinkle Noggenfogger and purchase the elixir.

Tags: flight point, Noggenfogger Elixir, World Warcraft