Monday, January 17, 2011

Get Charcoal Smoky Eyes

Get Charcoal Smoky Eyes

The smoky-eye look is a dramatic effect created with makeup. Instead of the standard black smoky eyes, try a new twist on the look with charcoal smoky eyes.


1. Begin with the first layers of face makeup used, such as foundation and powder. If you do not use foundation, powder the eyelids and under eye area so the makeup can last longer.

2. Line the upper and lower lids with a charcoal eye pencil. Concentrate mostly on the outer corners of the upper lid. Soften the lines of the pencil by smudging with your fingertip or cotton swab.

3. Blend the color by using a small makeup brush to add a dark shimmery gray shadow on top of the liner on the upper and lower lids. Be conservative with the shadow on the lower lid. Dark complexions may use a deep gray color, but lighter complexions should stick with a softer gray.

4. Apply a sheer, lighter gray color over the entire lid and up to the brow using a medium brush. This shadow can be shimmery or matte. Be sure to blend the line between the darker shadow and the lighter gray shadow using the brush.

5. Finish the look by using black mascara on the top and lower lashes. Once the mascara has dried, add another layer on the top lashes.

Tags: Charcoal Smoky, Charcoal Smoky Eyes, foundation powder, gray color, gray shadow