Monday, September 20, 2010

Induce Vomiting For Food Poisoning

An average case of food poisoning does not require that you induce vomiting. However, if you experience the symptoms of food poisoning (cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness), you should contact your doctor immediately. Depending on the circumstances or the food ingested, your physician may recommend inducing vomiting. In this case, follow these instructions on inducing vomiting for food poisoning using syrup of ipecac.


Induce Vomiting for Food Poisoning

1. Before taking ipecac, line a small garbage can or large bowl with an unused plastic bag and place it in front of you. Ipecac can take effect anywhere from five to thirty minutes after ingestion. And once vomiting has been induced the bag can be tied and the contents taken to your physician for examination if necessary.

2. Determine the appropriate dose of syrup ipecac. Adults and children over the age of 12 should take two tablespoons, children under the age of 12 should take one tablespoon, and babies less than one year old require two teaspoons.

3. Take the recommended dose of ipecac. Immediately follow the dose with three glasses of water.

4. Keep your head down (to prevent choking) and over the prepared bowl or trashcan and wait for the ipecac to take effect.

5. After vomiting has been induced and the contents of your stomach have been emptied, mix one ounce of activated charcoal in water and sip it to calm your stomach and neutralize the effect of the ipecac.

Tags: been induced, food poisoning, Induce Vomiting Food, inducing vomiting, should take, syrup ipecac, take effect