Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cure Plantar Fasciitis Fast

Cure Plantar Fasciitis Fast

If you need to cure plantar fasciitis fast there are a few steps you must take. Plantar fasciitis is the result of over stretched tendons on the bottom of your foot, and although it is most commonly affects distance runners, anyone participating in a sport that involves an impact to the foot can develop the injury. The steps below outline the routine that I developed over 2 months of trial and error, and allowed me to cure my plantar fasciitis in 3 weeks.


1. Treat the causes, not the symptoms. Symptoms of plantar fasciitis are pain and swelling of the arch and heel, which are typically treated with ice and ibuprofen. Causes of plantar fasciitis are weak, unstretched feet and lower legs, foot problems and overuse, and must be addressed collectively in order to cure plantar fasciitis.

2. Reduce your running volume and intensity as well as any physical activity that is causing the pain to worsen or linger. This was one of the main reasons it took me so long to get over the injury - I kept running on my foot because the pain was manageable. It is a mistake and will only prolong the condition and could make it much worse in the long run.

3. Purchase a Strassburg Sock ( or similar night splint online or at your local physical therapy store. The Strassburg website has a page where you can search for local retailers that carry the sock. Sleep in it every night and use it during the day when you are doing something sedentary. Don't over stretch your foot when you go to bed or it will become uncomfortable and cause restlessness.

4. Self-massage by rolling a can of soup over you plantar a few times each day to loosen it up. Massage your foot before you get out of bed in the morning, which is typically the time when most plantar fasciitis sufferers experience the worst pain. Walking on a tight plantar in the morning, especially on hard surfaces, can be counterproductive to the healing process.

5. Strengthen your calves and feet. Perform calf raises at least once a day starting with 1 set of 20 reps and moving up to 3-4 sets of 20 reps. Strengthen your foot by picking up and dropping a pen with your toes until your foot is tired, and by walking on your toes for up to 2 minutes a few timed each day.

Tags: your foot, plantar fasciitis, cure plantar fasciitis, Cure Plantar Fasciitis, Plantar Fasciitis Fast