Friday, May 14, 2010

How Does Smoking Affect Others

Secondhand Smoke Causes Cancer

Secondhand smoke has been classified as a known human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In fact, of the 4,000 chemicals found in cigarettes, 60 of them are known cancer agents. If you are a smoker, consider the fact that your habit is harmful to those around you and it is not just hurting your body.

Secondhand Smoke Affects Little Children

Secondhand smoke is known to cause lower respiratory infections in children and infants. A portion of these children even end up in the hospital due to the illness. Children living with a parent who smokes are also more likely to have problems with asthma. Finally, children in a smoking home can get fluid build up in their ears from the smoke. If you take your child to the pediatrician, one of the first questions they ask you is "Does anyone in your house smoke?" This question is asked for a reason.

Secondhand Smoke Affects Pregnant Women

Smoke has been known to cause low birth-weight babies. This is true if the mother smokes or if the mother lives with people who do. Newborns also become at risk for sudden infant death syndrome when they have parents in the house who smoke.

Tags: house smoke, known cause, Secondhand Smoke, Secondhand Smoke Affects, Smoke Affects