Friday, December 4, 2009

Treat Blockage & Ringing In The Ears

Hearing ringing or other unexplained noises in the ears is a condition known as tinnitus. One possible cause is partial or full blockage of the ear canal due to buildup of earwax. In addition to tinnitus, common symptoms of earwax blockage include a full feeling in the ear, decreased hearing or ear pain. Earwax blockage is likely if you've been digging or picking at your earwax, which can easily push it deeper into the ear. Usually you can remove earwax using self-care measures. If earwax is indeed the cause of the ringing, the sound should go away when you clear the blockage.


1. Put a few drops of mineral oil, baby oil or a mixture of equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water into the ear canal and let the liquid sit for a few minutes to help soften the wax. (Make sure the liquid is at body temperature.) Do this twice a day for up to five days.

2. Use a bulb syringe to gently irrigate the ear with warm water to help remove the softened wax. Do this after you've used hydrogen peroxide or oil once or twice. You may have to repeat the oil or peroxide mixture followed by irrigation for a few days until you start to see results.

3. Purchase over-the-counter eardrops designed to aid in removing wax if ear irrigation does not work. You may find these more effective than your oil or peroxide mixture.

4. Visit your doctor if these home care measures do not clear the blockage or if your tinnitus does not improve despite earwax removal. Your doctor will examine your ear and clear any existing blockages or attempt to determine if there's another cause for your tinnitus.

5. .

Tags: clear blockage, hydrogen peroxide, peroxide mixture, your tinnitus