Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How Flatten My Stomach In Four Weeks

Flat belly

When it comes to flattening the stomach, it is never a small chore. To do it in four weeks not only makes the challenge harder, but it also makes it much more worth when you do pull it off. In order to do this, you have to be willing to make some sacrifices and go to a place mentally that you may have never been before. But the harder the work and effort you put in to something, the greater the reward you can expect.


1. Clean up the diet. Eliminate all the bad foods and beverages from your diet. This includes deep fried foods, processed foods, refined foods and foods that are high in saturated fats. Also avoid high calorie beverages and excessive amounts of alcohol.

2. Eat nutrient dense foods. Foods that are nutrient dense have a lot of vitamins, minerals, fiber and are low in saturated fat. Some examples are fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, whole grains, lean protein, beans and legumes.

3. Eat multiple meals. This will give you consistent energy levels, it will raise your metabolism and it will also keep you from overeating big amounts of food. Eat a small, balanced meal every two to three hours all day long.

4. Do cardio. Perform aerobic training three to four days a week for 45 to 60 minutes. This can be running, biking, swimming, stair stepping or elliptical.

5. Jump some rope. Get a weighted jump rope and aim for sets of one 100 with 30-second rest intervals. The weighted jump rope will increase your caloric expenditure and it will also fire up more muscles in the shoulders, back, arms and especially the stomach.

6. Do some kettlebell crunches. Lie on your back with the kettlebell over your head. Grab it by the handle with both hands and the ball part facing up. Now do crunches while simultaneously lifting your legs off the floor and bending your knees.

7. Do some jump jacks. Stand with your feet together. Now crouch down low and get into a tuck position. Explosively jump in the air and extend your arms and legs out in an X shape. This is the same as a jumping jack position except you are in the air.

8. Do ball pus-ups. Push-ups take a lot of chest strength. But when you do them on an exercise ball, this increases the emphasis on the stomach which will help flatten the belly. Come into a plank position with your hands on the ball directly under your shoulders. Now slowly lift your body up until your arms are fully extended. Now slowly lower yourself back down and repeat.

Tags: hands ball, jump rope, nutrient dense, weighted jump, weighted jump rope