Thursday, November 1, 2012

Detect And Prevent Cavities

Detect and Prevent Cavities

Preventing and detecting cavities is easy, but it's a habit that must be maintained. There are many things that can be done to prevent cavities. Cavities are areas in the teeth that have decayed, which result in the dissolving of the tooth's enamel.


1. Notice if a tooth has broken. The cavity will weaken the tooth and cause it to break when biting down. Pain is not always a symptom of a cavity, and by the time pain starts, the cavity may have spread, resulting in a root canal.

2. Avoid the spread of bacteria in your mouth by brushing your teeth two or three times each day. Make sure to floss in between each tooth once or twice each day to avoid rid your mouth of any food that has lodged between your teeth.

3. Cut down on the amount of sugars you eat. Foods with sugar in them stick to the sides of the teeth, and bacteria will feed on the food, which could result in a cavity.

4. Time your meals so they are farther apart. More time between meals gives acid enough time to be neutralized and damage can be repaired. Avoid frequent snacking, which will prevent tooth repair.

5. Use a toothpaste containing fluoride. Fluoride latches onto the teeth and strengthens them.

6. Use antibacterial therapy provided by a dentist. The dentist will remove areas of decay and seal pits in the teeth. This treatment is for someone who is predisposed to tooth decay.

7. Visit the dentist twice a year for checkups and cleanings. The dentist can often prevent major damage from occurring. The dentist will check your mouth for excess plaque and cavities that may be forming.

Tags: your mouth, dentist will, Detect Prevent, Detect Prevent Cavities, your teeth