Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Warnings Signs Of Prescription Drug Addiction

Prescription drug addiction is a harmful and serious problem. There are many symptoms that will help you identify a prescription drug addiction in an individual.

Chronic Pain

People addicted to prescription drugs may complain of chronic pain or have multiple injuries over a short period of time. They may use this problem to obtain prescriptions from their doctor.

Doctor Shopping

An individual may change his physician or pharmacy often to prevent them from realizing how many prescription drugs he has been using.

Fake Ailment

One may fake a psychological or physical problem to get a prescription.

Focusing on Medication

Although the individual's doctor may prescribe other treatment in addition to medication for an ailment, the individual will seem uninterested in honoring those other recommendations. For example, he may miss X-ray appointments or laboratory tests.

Stealing Medicine

A prescription drug addict may steal leftover medication from people they know. They may also steal prescription pads so they can forge prescriptions. Asking others for their leftover medication is another symptom of addiction.

Tags: drug addiction, leftover medication, prescription drug, prescription drugs