Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Find Gifts For Nursing Home Residents

When faced with the prospect of buying gifts for someone in a nursing home, the list of possibilities seems regrettably short. Because of dietary restrictions, that enormous box of chocolates is probably out. For those with diminished eyesight (sometimes coupled with an inability to focus on the printed word), the latest novel is out as well. Many other common gift ideas just aren’t suitable for nursing home residents. However, with a little planning, it’s possible to come up with ideas customized to individual needs.


1. Look for ways to bring personal entertainment into an individual’s life. For those capable of reading, not only are large-print books available, but also a number of magazines, such as Reader’s Digest, are published in a large-print format. Music can be particularly comforting to a nursing-home resident; try to find a simple-to-operate device that will allow an individual to hear music at any time without disturbing others. In addition to music, a CD player can be used to listen to recorded books or episodes of old radio shows. Individual DVD players or VCRs not only allow a nursing-home resident to watch movies, but can also be used to watch home videos of grandchildren.

2. Think of dietary restrictions as a challenge. For most people on restricted diets, there are actually a number of items that would make welcome gifts. For example, rather than just ruling out the idea of bringing sweets to a diabetic, look for sugar-free jams and jellies, candies and other items. Other ideas, depending on a resident’s restrictions, include herbal tea bags, soft cheeses, dried fruit and low-sodium snack items. (See Resources for ideas and sources.)

3. Count on memories to bring a smile to the face of a nursing-home resident. Create an easy-to-handle photo album; fill it with copies of favorite photos, perhaps even including some that hung on the walls of the individual’s home. Keep the copies small, but not so small that the details aren’t easily seen. Turn a photo album into a scrapbook by asking family members to write little stories describing the events depicted in the photos. Type these up in a large font, print them out and insert them in the photo album. As an alternate idea, buy a digital frame that can be programmed to present a constantly changing slide show.

4. Remember the practical items that can make a recipient's life a little more comfortable. Make a gift basket filled with items like hand lotion, a magnifying sheet, a small flashlight, a good-sized notepad with several pens and pencils, individual tissue packets, breath mints, lip balm and other small trinkets.

Tags: nursing-home resident, photo album, dietary restrictions, items that, nursing home