Thursday, February 28, 2013

Postpartum Thyroid Disease Symptoms

Thyroid disease has become an extremely common ailment, and can happen frequently after the birth of a baby. Although postpartum thyroid disease is less serious than other types of thyroid diseases, and often can disappear entirely, it is important to understand the symptoms so that you can seek treatment for your thyroid.

Heart Palpitations

Heart palpitations feel like a fluttering in your heart muscle, and can indicate a thyroid hormone regulation problem.

Difficulty Losing Weight

Although gaining weight during pregnancy is very common, if you have difficulty losing the weight after your baby is born then you might have a postpartum thyroid dysfunction.

Racing Heartbeat

A racing heartbeat, especially while at rest, can be a symptom of a thyroid regulation problem and should be looked at by your doctor.

Cold Hands or Feet

If you continually have cold hands or feet, or feel cold while others do not, then you might have postpartum thyroid disease.

Thyroid Test

If you are worried that you may have a thyroid problem, check with your doctor about taking a thyroid test. A thyroid test is a simple blood test that will tell you for sure if you have postpartum thyroid disease.

Tags: have postpartum, have postpartum thyroid, thyroid disease, might have, might have postpartum