Monday, February 18, 2013

Identify Sepsis

Sepsis is an infection that is present in the bloodstream or in soft tissue. Anyone battling a severe infection can develop sepsis, although people with suppressed immune systems or people with chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, are at greater risk. Sepsis is also a greater threat after some surgeries.Sepsis can cause the body to go into shock. Shock can quickly prove fatal and, because of this, sepsis is a medical emergency requiring immediate medical attention. If someone you know has an infection, there are signs of sepsis you should watch out for. If you discover any of the signs of sepsis, you should consult with medical professionals immediately. Ideally, a person who is suffering from a severe infection will already be in the hospital under medical care. If that is not the case, they should be put under a physician’s care as soon as possible.


1. Check for a rash. A rash associated with sepsis may be anywhere on the body. If you do find a red marks or red areas, assume this person is becoming septic. Although red marks are not always present with sepsis, any time a rash appears on a person fighting an infection, sepsis may be the cause.Some rashes caused by sepsis are not easy to spot. They may resemble small hemorrhages or tiny red dots under the skin. Other times, the rash appears as larger red or purple blotches. In some cases of septicemia, the rash may appear in many places on the body at once.

2. Watch for signs of emotional volatility and loss of mental clarity. If the infection sufferer becomes hostile, weepy, forgetful, confused, nervous or exhibits other behavior changes, sepsis could be the cause.

3. Check the persons heart rate and respiratory rate. In cases of sepsis, the heart rate and respiratory will sometimes significantly increase. Check also for palpitations. Palpitations are common, especially if the patient is going into septic shock.

4. Check blood pressure. The blood pressure of the sepsis sufferer will often be low. In addition, blood pressure can plummet suddenly and should be monitored closely. Low blood pressure is a sign of shock and can be fatal.

5. Check for fever and for tremors. A sepsis sufferer may or may not have a fever or chills, but if anyone with a severe infection develops fever and/or chills, sepsis should be suspected.

Tags: blood pressure, sepsis should, severe infection, fever chills, heart rate