Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Properties Of The Jade Stone

Jade is also known as "yu" in China.

The gemstone commonly known as "jade" is actually two separate gems: jadeite and nephrite. These two stones, known as "yu" by the Chinese, were first discovered approximately 7,000 years ago. Jade was found most often in China, before its mines were depleted, but it is also found in Myanmar, Central America, Brazil, Canada and India. Despite the depletion of its mines, China remains renowned for its intricate jade jewelry. Jade is known for its beauty, strength, and metaphysical and healing properties.

Physical Appearance

Jade has a subtle but rather greasy sheen, which comes in many nuanced shades of green. Jade is also found in shades of white, grey, black, yellow, orange and violet. The subtle beauty of this stone makes it a prime candidate for jewelry and ornamental use, but it was first used in prehistoric times because of its strength. Jade was used by prehistoric man to make weapons and implements.

Mineral Composition and Scientific Properties

Jade has a Mohs hardness rating of 6.5 to 7. The Mohs scale is a measurement of a mineral's hardness when compared with other minerals' hardness. For example, talcum powder has a Mohs hardness rating of 1. Jade is a pyroxene mineral that has a monoclinic crystal structure, which is a way of describing the presentation of the crystal by comparison to other crystals.

Metaphysical Properties

Jade is believed to have many metaphysical properties and has been a celebrated gem in many different cultures. Jade is known as a stone of balance and healing, opening up the heart chakra to the energy of love. Jade is thought to promote self-realization, discernment and perspective on priorities. It is also believed to promote longevity, prosperity, dreams, desire and love. If that isn't enough, jade also encourages confidence and self-assurance, while encouraging its owner to be in tune with the needs of others.

Healing Properties

Different colors of jade are believed to have different healing properties. For example, red jade is a stone that brings up energy in its wearer, which may allow the person to carefully address unresolved issues. Green jade, on the other hand, is calming, thought to calm the central nervous system. Jade is thought to help the body to self-heal, benefiting the heart, kidneys and spleen. Jade is also thought to promote healthy hair, thymus and central nervous system; to cleanse the blood; and to boost the immune system.

Tags: Properties Jade, also found, believed have, central nervous, central nervous system, hardness rating, Jade also