Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Prevent Yeast Infections In Dogs

Bridey the beagle shows off her droopy ears.

If a dog is going to have a yeast infection, it is most likely going to be in her ears. Dogs with "droopy-ears" like beagles or spaniels are particularly susceptible because their long, thick ears trap moisture inside the inner ear and ear canal and keep air out. However, dogs with upright ears like collies or German shepherds are much less likely to develop yeast infection in their ears, but they are not completely immune.

Whatever your dog's ears look like, regular ear cleaning should clear up any yeast infection and prevent another one from occurring.


1. Check for existing yeast infection. Look at your dog's ears. Are they dirty or greasy? Is there a yeasty or otherwise unpleasant smell? If so, your dog probably already has a yeast infection in his ears. You will need to get rid of the infection before starting on a yeast-prevention grooming regimen for your dog. Fortunately, the same stuff that can clean up a yeast infection in your dog's ears can also prevent one from growing in the first place.

2. Create a slightly acidic environment. Yeast cannot grow in an acidic environment. Fill a spray bottle with three parts water and one part vinegar; apple cider vinegar works best. Gently squirt some of your water/vinegar mix into your dogs ear *but not down the ear canal.* Massage into the ear for sixty seconds, then wipe inside the ear with a cotton ball, again *not down in the ear canal.* Squirt some more of your water/vinegar mixture into the ear, massage for another minute, and leave in.

If your dog already has yeasty ears, do this daily for two weeks. For yeast infection prevention, do this once a week.

3. Make an alternative mixture. If your dog has particularly sensitive ears, or the yeast infection has made his ears sore, try this alternative mixture. Mix two ounces of witch hazel, five drops of tea tree oil, and five drops of clove oil in your squirt bottle, and use as above.

4. Fight yeast from within. Yogurt contains lactobacillus, which is also sometimes referred to as a "pro-biotic." To keep a healthy flora and fauna balance throughout your dog's body--ears *and* digestive track--add a spoonful of plain yogurt to her food once a day.

Tags: yeast infection, your ears, your water vinegar, acidic environment, alternative mixture