Friday, November 16, 2012

What Are Lemurian Crystals

Lemurian crystals share some similiarities with quartz.

Lemurian crystals are natural gemstones similar in appearance and geological makeup to quartz. Distinctive horizontal striations are on one or more sides of the stone, and each crystal ends in triangular-shaped faces that form the crystal's apex. Unlike quartz, however, these crystals have a pink or white frosted finish. Stones with few or no inclusions are preferred but rare.


Holistic healers use the crystals.

Lemurian crystals are used in various types of holistic healing, such as chakra therapy and naturopathy. They are used for spiritual purposes, including navigating the grid, channeling energy through the chakras, communication and preparation for ascension. The stones are usually placed over particular chakras or the third eye and moved in specific patterns to produce the desired effect.


The crystals can be purchased through many websites that focus on alchemy, healing and divination. Many agnostic shops sell Lemurian crystals, too. The crystals vary in size and price. A small stone may be as little as $20, while a larger stone may cost as much as $200, as of 2011. As it does for every mineral or gemstone, the price varies based on the number of inclusions, clarity and color.

Origin and Discovery

Lemurian crystals were discovered in Brazil on a hilltop strip mined for quartz. The stones were found buried in sand, separate from any cluster. Apparently, the "seed crystals" were characteristically different from quartz because most of them glowed from the inside with a pink or reddish hue. The crystals are found on Sierra Do Cabral mountain in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Legend of Ancient Lemuria

Ancient Lemuria is believed to have existed somewhere between the South American and Australian continents in the Pacific Ocean before the rise of Atlantis, and it is considered a lost civilization that sunk into the sea. According to legend, the Lemurian race disappeared from Earth after attaining the power of ascension. Some are said to have ascended to the stars and traveled to far galaxies, while others traveled to the center of the Earth to remain as its caregivers. Lemurian seed crystals are thought to be imbued with the collective knowledge of ancient Lemuria.

Tags: Lemurian crystals, Ancient Lemuria, crystals were, seed crystals