Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stop The Pain From A Compressed Disc

A compressed disc may be caused by a degenerative condition of the disc or by injury. It can cause back pain that may radiate to the legs and feet. The pain may be associated with tingling, numbness and weakness in the arms or legs. Prompt medical diagnosis and intervention is necessary when these symptoms arise. There are many treatments that may help lessen or stop the pain, such as the ones listed in this article. Do not try any of these techniques until your condition has been medically evaluated. The pain from a compressed disc may be permanent or temporary. The treatment plan will be based on the cause of your compressed disc and how severe it is.


1. See your doctor. You will need to get a comprehensive medical examination to determine the extent and cause of your compressed disc. Your doctor may order X-rays and imaging tests to determine your diagnosis. Your treatment plan will be based on his findings. If your compressed disc is severe, your doctor may suggest surgery to stop the pain.

2. Ask about medication. You may need pain relief medication to keep you comfortable. Your doctor may give you a prescription for anti-inflammatory medication, codeine-based pain relievers, or muscle relaxant medication. Do not drive while taking pain medication because it can cause drowsiness and impair judgment.

3. Ask about physical therapy. Physical therapy can greatly improve pain related to a compressed disc. You will need a prescription from your doctor before you can begin a physical therapy program. Therapy can prevent you from getting stiff and strengthen surrounding spinal structures.

4. Ice your back. A compressed disc can cause substantial inflammation to the tissues in your back and neck. When you apply ice to the pain site, inflammation goes down, and this may decrease your pain. Do not apply ice directly to the skin because it may cause tissue damage. Always put your ice in an ice bag or plastic bag. A bag of frozen vegetables can double as an ice bag.

5. Use a compression garment. You can purchase a compression garment at a medical supply store. A compression garment acts like a girdle to give support to your back muscles. The compression will also stimulate blood flow and help with the healing process. The mild pressure on your back will be soothing and help relieve or even stop your pain.

6. Rest at intervals. When you are suffering from the pain of a compressed disc, you will need to rest. Resting helps the disc and surrounding tissues heal. Many times, the pain of a disc compression is so severe, you have no choice but to rest. Do not feel that you need to get moving in order to heal. Sometimes rest is the best medicine, especially when your pain first starts. Later, you may begin mild exercise or physical therapy, but only after your body has a chance to rest.

7. Take a bath. Soaking in a warm bath will help you relax and sooth your painful back. It is important to note that if your pain is so severe that it limits your movement, do not attempt to take a bath when you are home alone. When you are in the bathtub, you may not be able to get up and you might fall and injure yourself further.

Tags: compressed disc, your back, your pain, compressed disc, compression garment, will need