Thursday, August 23, 2012

Use Chinese Cinnamon Oil

Chinese Cinnamon

Medicinal cinnamon bark is cultivated from Chinese cinnamon trees, that are cultivated in many parts of Asia. The beneficial parts of the evergreen trees from which Chinese cinnamon is derived are the inner bark, twigs and oil. Used as remedies in holistic medicine in Asia and in the West, Chinese cinnamon has a number of health benefits.


1. Use Chinese cinnamon bark internally to aid digestion. You also can make your own tea by pouring 1 cup of boiling distilled water over 1 tsp. cinnamon bark. Steep for 10 minutes and strain. Volatile oils help overall digestion, according to Nutri Craze. See the Resources section below for a link.

2. Use Chinese cinnamon to relieve flatulence, bloating and nausea. Take 15 to 30 drops of liquid Chinese cinnamon extract in 8 oz. glass of distilled water or drink a cup of cinnamon bark tea as needed.

3. Stimulate the appetite. Again, 15 to 30 drops of liquid extract in water or cinnamon bark tea stimulates the appetite to promote health issues or therapies in which appetite is suppressed.

4. Promote Ch'i (energy) flow to the brain with an herbal Chinese formula that includes Chinese cinnamon. According to Holistic Online, chronically weak Qi (energy) to the brain creates an environmental risk for stroke. Ren Shen Zai Zao Wan is a Chinese herbal compound that promotes blood flow, and rectifies the effects of stagnant blood leading to the brain. See the Resources section below for a link.

Tags: Chinese cinnamon, cinnamon bark, below link, below link Chinese, distilled water