Monday, August 27, 2012

Get Hemorrhoid Relief

Eat high-fiber foods to encourage smooth bowel movements and prevent hemorrhoidal pain.

If the time that you spend in the toilet causes more grief than relief due to the anal pain and bleeding that accompanies your bowel movements, you may have hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids occur when the veins in your anal canal swell because of additional pressure on them. This can be brought on by numerous factors, including constipation, poor diet, pregnancy and obesity. You can get relief from the pain and discomfort that accompany this condition by making lifestyle and dietary changes, using home remedies and receiving medical treatments.

Lifestyle Changes

If chronic constipation is causing your hemorrhoids, perform moderate exercise or walk briskly for around 20 minutes daily to encourage bowel movements. Visit the toilet as soon as you feel the urge, as delaying your bowel movements can lead to constipation. Avoid straining while passing stools, as it can bring on hemorrhoidal pain. Wear cotton underwear to prevent moisture from forming, which can irritate your hemorrhoids, and wear loose clothing to alleviate the pressure on your anal area.

Dietary Modifications

Increase your fiber intake so that you pass soft, painless stools rather than hard ones that cause you to strain and aggravate internal hemorrhoids. Consume foods that contain insoluble fiber such as fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and cereal, which encourage a smooth elimination of waste from your body. Take care to increase your fiber intake gradually to avoid bloating and gas. Drink at least six glasses of water daily to encourage bowel movements.

Home Treatments

Get relief from hemorrhoidal pain, itching and irritation by taking a sitz bath after every bowel movement. Half-fill your bathtub with warm water and sit in it for 15 minutes. Once done, gently pat the anal area dry with a soft towel. If you have external hemorrhoids, you can dissolve painful blood clots by alternately placing ice packs and warm packs on them. Other home treatments that will reduce inflammation, pain and bleeding include fiber supplements, topical hydrocortisone creams and suppositories, and nonprescription pain relievers such as ibuprofen and naproxen.

Noninvasive and Surgical Procedures

Speak to your doctor about using non-invasive procedures to get relief from persistent and painful hemorrhoids. Noninvasive treatments such as rubber band ligation, electric current, heat and lasers eliminate your hemorrhoids by reducing the supply of blood to them. If you have large, protruding and persistent external hemorrhoids or recurring internal ones that cause excessive bleeding and pain, your doctor will remove them through surgical procedures such as hemorrhoidectomy or stapling.

Tags: bowel movements, hemorrhoidal pain, relief from, your hemorrhoids, anal area, daily encourage, daily encourage bowel