Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Recognize The Symptoms Of Ocd

Recognize the Symptoms of OCD

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common psychiatric condition. Classified as an anxiety disorder or neuroses, OCD affects people from all walks of life. The intrusive thoughts and rituals that characterize the disorder can make life difficult if you go without treatment. Learn to recognize the symptoms so you'll know if you need to get help.


Recognize the Symptoms of OCD

1. Recognize intrusive thought patterns and the overpowering urge to perform ritual actions. These are the hallmarks of OCD.

2. Take note of your ability to control these thoughts and actions. The less able you are to control them, the more likely it is that you have OCD.

3. Be aware of feeling a build up of anxiety or stress if you do not perform your rituals. This is a strong indicator of OCD.

4. Realize that if you feel relief from anxiety after performing a ritual, this is also a symptom of OCD.

5. Take stock of your quality of life. If the obsessions and compulsions you are experiencing take hours to perform each day or otherwise interfere in your ability to enjoy life, you may have OCD.

6. Understand that you may not experience compulsions. Some OCD sufferers only experience obsessions.

7. Determine the rationality of your obsessions and compulsions. People who suffer from OCD know these things are not rational. This knowledge may not help you control the symptoms, however.

Tags: obsessions compulsions, Recognize Symptoms, your ability