Thursday, May 19, 2011

Boswellia Information

Boswellia serrata, or Indian frankincense, is a spice extracted from the resin of the Indian boswellia tree. This resin is normally used as an incense, but it contains boswellic acid that contains medicinal properties.


According to the Ancient Essence website, frankincense was a historically important plant. It was mentioned in the Bible as a gift at the birth of Jesus. The website mentions that frankincense was rare and highly valued throughout the Middle East for its use as incense at religious ceremonies.


Boswellic acid is believed to be useful for treating the swelling and joint pain associated with arthritis. It is thought to have anti-inflammatory and anti-asthmatic properties. The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center indicates that boswellic acid causes cellular death in glioma (brain cancer) and leukemia (blood cancer) cells. It may also have benefits in treating cervical cancer.

Side Effects

According to the Chinese Herbs website, Boswellia serrata should not be used by pregnant women because it sometimes causes spontaneous abortion. Some less serious side effects include stomach upset, heartburn, skin rash and breathing problems.

Tags: Boswellia serrata