Friday, April 30, 2010

Severe Bipolar Parent Affect Children


Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder that affects many people throughout the United States. Some people will go their entire lives and not realize that they have it. This disorder can cause extreme mood swings, from an extreme high to extreme depression. This could happen in the matter of minutes for some, while others it could take months for the person's mood to change. This disorder can show itself as any of three different types. Severe bipolar disorder is extremely hard to cope with alone and even be harder when there are children to raise.

Severe Bipolar Affecting Parenting

For a parent who is suffering from this disorder, it very hard to live life normally. She suffers manic moods, which can look to her children as if she having fun and maybe even being normal. This means that the parent is coherent enough to make sound judgments on anything in either state. Then comes the depressed mood soon after the mania. The parent may sulk around the house or not even get out the bed for days. When the child needs her attention, the parent is too tired or depressed to care for her child. Then the child is confused and hurt. Its very hard for a parent to function as an active parent with this disorder. Also with bipolar disorder, parents are often irritable and discontent with their lives. The slightest annoyance can cause the parent to be in a fit of rage. This rage is taken out on the child the majority of the time. Abuse in all forms--mental, verbal and physical--are common with a bipolar parent. If this happens, seek action immediately. Raising children while suffering from this disorder can cause immense emotional and physical stress on the parent.

How it Affects Children

Children often feel frightened and confused when they can't understand why their parents are happy one minute and sad the next. The child lives in constant fear of doing something wrong and being punished. The child's behavioral and intellectual growth can be underdeveloped. The only way the child will improve is if the parents seek help in therapy or medication. According to Dan Hapt, M.D, of, a child suffers right along with the parent that has untreated bipolar disorder. The child may need therapy as well to learn live with this parent.

There is help

If the parent feels that he is suffering from symptoms of bipolar disorder, he needs to seek help as soon as possible. Parents with bipolar disorder should talk to their families about helping them and their children as they seek treatment. Usually, the parent will see a psychiatrist and be evaluated with a series of tests. After the tests, the psychiatrist can determine if therapy, medication or hospitalization is in order.

Tags: bipolar disorder, suffering from, this disorder, with bipolar, disorder cause, from this, from this disorder