Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Doctor Clean A Colon


Cleansing the colon is required for many medical events and surgeries. It is also a common practice for overall body health and energy, as it is believed that cleansing the colon removes many toxins form the body and promotes better digestive activity. Whether is is referred to as a high colonic, colon hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation, this process is performed by a medically trained professional.


A colonic irrigation involves the introduction of pressurized water directly into the colon, which is much more effective and deep-cleansing than an enema or colon lavage, which only cleanses the lower colon.


Having your colon cleansed can cause increased and rather urgent bowel movements for several days afterward. Stomach and lower abdominal cramping are also common after a colonic irrigation. It is advised that you stick to a liquid diet for 24 hours to truly allow your system to flush itself clean.

Tags: colonic irrigation, also common