Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wake Up Quickly

How you wake up in the morning can have a dramatic affect on the way your day moves along. Waking up with little energy other than to hit the snooze button can really put a damper on your first waking hours. There are some tricks you can play on your mind and body, as well as some valuable practices, that will help you to wake up quickly


1. Give yourself a good, positive reason to wake up. By making plans that you enjoy for some point in the new day, you can think about that activity when you awake. You will want to get up, instead of feeling dread that you have to wake up.

2. Set your alarm clock a little bit earlier. You may be getting too much sleep and are passing the optimum wake-up time for your body. Too much sleep can make you as lethargic as too little rest.

3. Practice waking up when you go to bed. After a few minutes, jump up with a smile on your face and pretend that you are waking up full of energy and ready to go. By actually doing this ahead of time, you can train your mind with positive affirmations to believe that waking is a joyous and exciting occasion.

4. Prepare the room and all your accessories for when the alarm goes off. If you have cold floors, set your slippers next to the bed, so you don't have to dread the cold tootsie syndrome. Have a warm sweater or robe nearby as well, so the warm covers don't seem like the only available refuge.

5. Get a coffee pot with a timer so that you can wake up with the coffee already brewing. It can be a powerful wake-up aroma for many people. It might work for you, too.

Tags: much sleep, that waking, your mind