Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Detox The Male Body Naturally

The health hazards and toxic impurities of our industrial environment can have serious adverse health effects on the average man. Toxins accumulate in the blood and circulate through the entire body through the bloodstream, affecting the skin and internal organs. Men can detox their bodies through daily detox routines that focus on nutrition, exercise and supplements. A sensible detox program approved by your physician will help to cleanse the body of toxins and improve your health.


1. Keep your body hydrated. Drinking at least 2 quarts water a day will help your system to flush toxins on a regular basis..

2. Maintain a regular exercise routine. This will improve your overall health and remove toxins from your body by causing you to sweat.

3. Take a break from eating meat occasionally. Your body uses enzymes to digest meat, and if you eliminate meat from your diet occasionally, those enzymes can be used for detoxification rather than digestion.

4. Increase your consumption of raw fruits and vegetables to increase your enzyme intake. Enzymes are essential to the detoxification process, especially when consumed between meals. Juicing is a delicious way to achieve this. Try a combination of beets, carrots and apples in your juicer for a sweet and healthy midday drink.

5. Eat foods containing vitamins A, C and E to get more antioxidants. These vitamins help to neutralize free radicals that are damaging to our cells. In particular, vitamin C assists the body in producing the liver compound glutathione, which promotes the elimination of toxins in the body. Some foods containing C are citrus fruits, cantaloupe, tomatoes and broccoli. Eat orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes, as well as dark green leafy vegetables such as collards and spinach to boost your body's vitamin A. Vitamin E can be found in whole grains, sardines and leafy green vegetables.

6. Increase your consumption of foods with probiotics. Probiotics are a beneficial bacteria found in yogurt or other dairy products containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria. Probiotics are useful for eliminating toxins from the body and assisting in the production of vitamins.

7. Soak in a warm bath with either a handful of baking soda or a handful of sea salt to promote the drawing out of toxins in your body. As you soak, gently wash your body with a natural fiber sponge or washcloth.

Tags: your body, foods containing, from your, fruits vegetables, improve your, Increase your consumption