Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Foods To Eat To Avoid Sickness

Many fruits and vegetables contain properties that boost the immune system.

A healthy diet can help you build a stronger and healthier immune system. Eating a diet that is high in vitamins C and E may help increase the production of white blood cells, the body's natural defense against sickness. Other dietary elements that help reduce your chances of illness include zinc, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, flavonoids and carotene, which occur naturally in fruits and vegetables, are thought to have a wide range of health benefits for those who eat them regularly.


Carrots contain more beta-carotene than any other vegetable.

Carrots contain high amounts of carotene, which the body converts into the essential vitamin A. This crucial vitamin is used by the body to create new cells, a function vital to a healthy immune system. Carrots may also have the potential to kill listeria and other food-borne organisms. Eating carrots also helps lower blood pressure, prevent some forms of cancer and reduce the risk of certain eye diseases, including retinopathy and macular degeneration.


[rries y help reduce your risk of heart disease.

Cranberries have a variety of antiviral and anti-fungal properties. Eating cranberries on a regular basis can help promote urinary and kidney health. The proanthocyanidins found in cranberries can prevent certain bacteria, including E. coli, from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract. Cranberries may also help reduce your risk of gum disease, stomach ulcers, heart disease and certain forms of cancer.


For optimum health benefits, eat one 18 ounce serving of yogurt per day.

Yogurt, which is labeled "active culture" or "live culture," contains healthy microorganisms that help keep you from becoming ill. These beneficial microorganisms reduce the amount of unhealthy bacteria in the stomach and digestive tract, thereby reducing your risk of developing digestive or intestinal infections. Yogurt also contains a wide variety of essential vitamins and nutrients needed for overall health.


Eating shellfish twice a week may help prevent viral illnesses, such as the flu.

Oysters, lobsters, clams and crab may help your body rid itself of flu-causing viruses. Selenium, a compound contained in shellfish, helps the white blood cells produce cytokines-proteins, an important element of healthy immune systems. Eating shellfish twice weekly can give the immune system a boost and reduce your chance of illness.


Brocolli contains vitamins and minerals that can help keep your body healthy and well.

Broccoli contains glucosinolates, which help to stimulate the body's immune system. Eating broccoli is also an effective way to obtain Vitamins A, C and E, as well as folic acid and iron. Besides boosting your immune system, eating broccoli helps reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke.

Tags: immune system, reduce your, your risk, heart disease, help reduce, help reduce your