Monday, July 8, 2013

Dietary Foods For Diabetics

The good news for diabetics is there are no special foods you must eat and none that are completely off limits, either. Nonetheless, an individual with diabetes has to pay attention to what and how much she eats, particularly carbohydrates, which break down into simple sugars through digestion and will make your blood sugar rise.


Carbohydrates include bread, rice, pasta, cereal, crackers, fruit, juice, milk, yogurt, starchy vegetables (potato, corn, peas), legumes, beans and sweets. Knowing how many carbohydrate servings to have at each meal and snack will help guide you as to how much of each food to eat. Typically the range is three to five servings of carbohydrates daily, with one serving equaling 15 grams. Make sure to track total carbohydrates and not sugars, as all carbohydrates affect your blood sugar.

Examples of one serving are: one slice of bread; a quarter of a bagel; 1/3 cup of cooked pasta or rice; a small apple; a half a banana; 1 cup milk; 1/2 cup of corn; and 1 tablespoon of sugar.

Non-Carbohydrate Foods

When monitoring carbohydrates you may eat less than usual and find yourself hungry. To fill up without extra carbohydrates, increase your non-starchy vegetable intake, such as broccoli, spinach, green beans, summer squash and carrots. Also it is important to include protein with all meals, as it will fill you up and keep you satiated longer without affecting your blood glucose.

Sugar-Free Foods

A lot of diabetics buy sugar-free candy and snacks believing they will not affect their blood sugar. Unfortunately, zero sugar doesn't mean zero carbohydrates, so be sure to keep track of how much you ingest. In addition, sugar-free products often contain sugar alcohols that can cause bloating and gas.

Ultimately, diabetics can eat all the same foods as everyone else, they just need to monitor their carbohydrate intake. So if you are going to a birthday party and know you will want to eat a slice of cake with everyone else, then make sure to save at least two carbohydrates servings from your meal so you can enjoy it without guilt.

Tags: blood sugar, your blood, everyone else, your blood sugar